" A zip-line (or zip line, zipline, Sypline, zip wire, aerial runway, aerial ropeslide, death slide, flying fox) consists of a pulley suspended on a cable, usually made of stainless steel, mounted on a slope. A transportation system or piece of recreation equipment consisting of a cable stretched between points of different elevations, a pulley, and a harness or bar for attaching a rider who moves by gravity."

Zipline or flying fox is an adventure activity that has become popular across the globe. It can be done in various sizes but most thrill is achieved with bigger distance and higher angle between the starting and ending point. A Zipline consists of a suspended cable or rope on which the rider ‘flies’ thanks to a harness. This provides an adrenaline rush to adventure seekers. OXO plant has been building ziplines in India since year 2009 and providing a thrilling experience to adventure enthusiasts.
Zipline setup can be done in both natural and urban settings. We specialize in the ready-to-use manufacturing and installation of professional Zipline systems. We will take care of all the project's phases, from the site inspection and survey, through design, construction and operations, to the maintenance of your Zipline. Oxo planet is the most trusted zipline builder in India.

We can help you build a single zipline -with one cable or parallel ziplines - with multiple cables for multiple rides at once.
Following are the standard steps in building zipline in India:
- 1) decide an area where you want to build the zipline
- 2) get the technical survey of area done through our zipline expert
- 3) Receive a rough estimate with various design and material possibilities for your zipline site
- 4) Approve the plan that you like the most.
- 5) Construction, Demo run and operational training.