The four-wheeled cousin of the motorcycle has found its place with the adventure enthusiasts of India. We are the leading designers and consultant for ATV tracks in India. Our team has consulted on more than 10 ATV tracks in last 5 years. We have worked with adventure parks, government tourism departments for the ATV setups. We only deal in leisure setups and not professional racing setups. We have also worked for various TV shows for ATV track design and setup.
Oxo Consultants provides track design solutions for ATV and Go-kart tracks with focus on international standards, safety, size and client requirements. Our team provides consultancy for designing and developing all kinds of ATV tracks like leisure circuit and Off-Road Race Tracks with design layout, 3D renders, operational equipment, and operational training.

The type of terrain you have to work with might affect your decision too. If you have a super flat piece of land you might consider a super cross track, if you don’t mind bringing in a lot of dirt. If you have more hilly terrain, I would go with a more natural track or a motocross style track.
Also keep in mind why you’re building the track in the first place. What skills do you want to improve on and what type of riding do you enjoy the most? If you want to work on speed and cornering, I would go for motocross or a natural terrain track. If you can’t get enough of the jumping, level an area and build jumps, super cross style. If you’re building this for fun, I would go with a bit of a combination. Mostly natural terrain, but with enough obstacles to keep it fun.