Studies show some surprising benefits of rock climbing.

Research suggests, indoor climbing (on a climbing wall) is one of the safest form of exercise.

In a study conducted over a 5-year period in USA, the overall injury rate was only 0.02 injuries per 1000 hours of climbing activities.1 By comparison, injuries sustained while running range from 2.5 to 12.1 injuries per 1000 hours of running, depending on the nature of the exercise.

climbing wall for gym
An Outdoor Climbing Wall

Rock climbing is supposed to be a stress relieving exercise for all age groups.

According to your fitness level, there are different types of climbing walls and climbing activities available and the best part is that apart from it being a physical exercise, these activities also help in reducing stress and making you feel more relaxed.

Climbing and bouldering are great cardio workouts.

It is believed that climbing helps burn 500-900 calories per hour depending on the number and difficulty of routes climbed. Climbing walls are a great way to stay fit while doing something that is both challenging and interesting.

Participants doing climbing on campus as a part of recreation activity have reported increased fitness level, decreased stress, better physical strength, improved  athletic ability and self-confidence. Climbing also helped participants improve coordination along with increased concentration.

Climbing provides an all-round development to an individual.

Climbing, on natural rocks or artificial climbing walls, done even for a short period of time, have shown to offer substantial working memory benefits. Even soft skills like working in a team, decision making and problem solving improves drastically over a period of time.

Designing, constructing and maintaining a rock climbing wall costs a fraction of most other recreational options.

Artificially constructed rock climbing walls need minimum maintenance. These are durable walls made using steel and FRP, which are string materials with long life.

If you want to develop your own climbing wall for exercise purpose, contact us today for a quote. Oxo is the leading builder of artificial climbing walls in India.